Thursday, September 16, 2010

America Today

Lets face it civilization as we know it is dying and were killing each other off for greed and hate. I'm sick and tired of seeing whites act like horrible stereo types of the so-called African American. Tried of seeing honest hard working Americans lose there jobs. The influx of too many foreigners that we don't know. Then they bring there own countries problems here. Most of them are honestly trying to make a better life for themselves. But too many of them are drug dealers coming over and pushing poisons on our children. Zionist are destroying our country from within telling us that loving your race and people first is racism and there constant excuses for why African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans can't succeed without the system. I remember how my family told me how our Cherokee great great grandmother used to make baskets and alt of homemade goods, how we used to set around the fire at powwows and listen to the elders speak and guide us on how we should walk in a good way. Now there's nothing, traditional people are seen as backwards lazy or even racist people. I remember when being Indian was about was inside and not about whats on paper. What has wealth and money done for human beings? Its made us stress over things now depression, gang violence and suicide is rampant on reservations and ghettos all over America. Now its hitting suburbia. All people care about is money while innocent Americans suffer. Yet all we do is sit on asses and watch dumb capitalist shit on Mtv and worry about if its better to be black or white while the country is raped from within by greedy Zionist corporations. More and more people are starting to feel this way. America is no longer home of the free. I feel this is a fucking battleground now. and its time for Americans of EVERY ethnic group and religion to stand up and take this country back. This world is sick.

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